Our Princess, Our Baby, Our Angel | Teen Ink

Our Princess, Our Baby, Our Angel

January 30, 2009
By Anonymous

Our baby, our princess, our angel from above.
The one in which we showered with love.
Our Baby
Our baby who we cared for with mind body and soul.
All trying to reach a common goal.
A common goal to help her grow.
And with each day our efforts began to show
Began to show great improvement.
And inspired a warm movement.
A warm movement within our shared beating heart.
Our princess
Our princess who's sly smile and bright eyes.
Cleared all the dark clouds in our skies.
Her diva attitude and sweet little personality.
Has taken us for spins outside reality.
Our angel
Our angel who now has wings to fly.
She now watches over us from the sky.
She's in good hands in a better place.
But here, in our hearts, she can never be replaced.

The author's comments:
This was a poem I wrote and dedicated to my little cousin. R.I.P Our Angel.

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This article has 1 comment.

ari2010 said...
on Mar. 23 2009 at 10:09 pm
this is a very good poem and it was compassionate to the person it is written for...it touched my heart