Hiding | Teen Ink


April 30, 2014
By KatyaA GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
KatyaA GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Reading the piece "Hiding" by "Rita" gave me an extremely nostalgic feel. In the beginning, the piece provided a safe, cozy environment. Towards the end, I was left feeling bittersweet. The article itself was about the main character reminiscing how she hid in her mother's closet as a child. As she grew, she no longer fit into that closet. The line "And even though the same things scare me- even though I have a multitude of new fears-I don't fit." was an inspiring and symbolic line readers could thou thoroughly relate to. As children, things were easier, we fit in. As we grew older, we ceased to fit in, just as the author no longer fit into her mother's closet.

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