Article Review | Teen Ink

Article Review

May 11, 2013
By Priyadarshini GOLD, Kodaikanal, Other
Priyadarshini GOLD, Kodaikanal, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.”
― Dr. Seuss

“Olympics 2012: Is Usain Bolt Now the World's Biggest Sports Star?

Articles without doubt are the most important form of writing. Without them we would be utterly clueless like an alien in our own planet. They are used to convey the most important forms of news, information and facts. Without them there will be no connection between the people and the incidents that happen every day. They are the stepping stones for the way we think, perceive, evaluate and decide. It makes us form an opinion on the situation or topic.
One of the most interesting topics which are highlighted in several articles and various magazines is sports. Whether it is athletics, basketball, badminton or cricket there are fans looking out for news of their favorite players. Fans always seeking words to get a sprig of emotional turmoil, or a streak of inspiration.
One such article that is perfect for those fans of athletics is written by Wrigreg Lott on Usain Bolt. Usain Bolt of course needs no introduction but to put it simply he is the fastest man in the world. However this article does not mention any facts or boring old information related to his speed, which is already known. This article goes one step further and profoundly examines his personality.
The title of the article “Olympics 2012: Is Usain Bolt Now the World's Biggest Sports Star?” brings up a surge of admiration for Bolt. The words Olympics 2012 answer the rhetorical question at the second part of the phrase. Those who watched the 2012 Olympics will know Bolt’s great achievement of getting a gold medal and therefore officially being named the world’s fastest man. From the title of the article we come to know that the article will be filled with praises and positive remarks on Bolt.
The article starts off with “Do you want to run it for me? Usain Bolt asked the pretty girl minding his kit. A little abashed, the girl tried to suppress a shy smile.” This line with its vivid visual imagery is an eye opener and would catch the attention of any person reading the article. It shows how different Bolt is, how he isn’t proud enough to talk to someone who isn’t well known and famous as him.
From the first line itself we come to the realization that the article depicts what is different in Bolt and how this makes him special. Diction such as “unique” is used in the article to make it clear that he cannot be compared with someone ordinary because being unique is being one of a kind, which eventually means being special.
The article also states that Bolt has transformed athleticism into “entertainment”. Athletes can the best but without entertaining people he loses half his name and fame. For example, while looking at football games people look for challenge, difficulty, talent and performance. It doesn’t matter how well or bad the game is. What matters is if people are having fun and experiencing a surge of emotions while watching the game. In football the audience will be more pleased if a player does a bicycle kick instead of an ordinary kick. In cricket the audience will be more pleased to see Dhoni hitting a helicopter six than any other player hitting a normal six. Just like in the case of Bolt his style and his flair of running is also focused upon, as people are entertained by this.
The article also states that Bolt has moved from “an athlete to a celebrity” . These forms of diction used in this article highlights the uniqueness of Bolt, and how it is not enough to give him enough praise that we give him as an athlete but also the additional awe and charm that is given to a celebrity.
The first half of the article focuses on praising Bolt. Praises given are not given for his ability to run fast but his ability to be difference which is what makes him extraordinary. For those fans who truly love Bolt and want a glimpse of his personality the first half of the article is absolutely perfect.
The next half of the article brings up Bolt’s name into the spot light by going a step further and comparing him to sportsmen as famous as him. The article moves on to state that “lightning Bolt” is a suitable term for Bolt, but for Asafa Powel names and titles do not suit. This line proves just how amazing Bolt is at his own sport as any title can be given to him and it will still be remarkable. Bolt is referred to as the “only master” , which just exemplifies how good he is at his sport and is the invincible god.
There is comparison of Bolt to Powell twice in the article. The second statement is “Yet his star failed to shine, Powell isn’t Bolt, Usain Bolt couldn’t be much less like Asafa Powell.” Although this comparison is made to make Bolt seem above everyone it is a bit too extreme. It is one thing to praise someone who everyone adores, but it is another thing to put down someone who practices and puts in as much effort as Bolt does. Just because Bolt has got that natural flair and fame the media is amplifying who he really is. Powell on the other hand does not have that charming outgoing personality that Bolt has and is therefore not the hot topic in all articles and magazines like Bolt.
The article goes on to state “capable of supreme human achievement, but that was about it. Celebrity athletes didn’t really exist.” It is as though the writer does not care about practice, determination, sweat blood and pain. This is the major part of athleticism which without anyone can be one of the greatest performers but the writer makes it seem as though the fame the flair and the term of the celebrity is more important. It is not appropriate to include this in an article because there are many children out there who would think that looks and an outgoing personality can make one a celebrity without any hard work and determination.
Towards the end of the article another comparison is made to Cristiano Ronaldo and Floyd Mayweather. “They have a steady sort of fame nothing special nothing new while bolt has an established a new order. He Assumed celebrity”. This line once again proves how the writer seems to think being a celebrity is more important. In an article that is being viewed by the entire world these terms should not be focused upon and repeated. Sports is something that should not be done for the fame and pride, it is something that should be done because of passion, as being good at a sport can only take you so far, but if one has the passion they can get past the struggles and difficult times in which they are not doing so well.
The first half of the article is amazing as it praises a man who must be praised; however the second part of the article is not appropriate for audiences throughout the world, as the article praises him by bringing others down.

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