Black Is Beauty | Teen Ink

Black Is Beauty

March 4, 2019
By nevaehparks BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
nevaehparks BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The story “ Black Is Beauty” written by Shenell L., Birmingham is a story that will leave you feeling inspired and leave you with chills down your spine. It shows you that people are judged based on color. She states, “For some unknown reason the color black is always associated with bad things: black magic, blackmail, black sheep, the list goes on.” This proves that everyone thinks that the color black is bad color. For years, we were always told that no matter what people were equal and nothing would change that. Still, to this day you see people getting treated differently. People giving other dirty looks or people talking about others. This is because we are different, but not in a bad way. You always see colored people getting treated differently than whites. This is because we are still looking at people just because they have a different skin color or different religion. All the time colored people things that something is wrong with them in every way but in reality it's our minds that have the problem. If we start looking at people the same way our world will be a better places.

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