Dickies Tactical Pants | Teen Ink

Dickies Tactical Pants

December 18, 2018
By aee19 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
aee19 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you are short then you know the struggle of buying pants. They either fit your waist but are about 4 inches too long.  Or they are the perfect length but you can not get them past your thighs because they are so tight. I am five feet tall and I am never able to find pants that actually fit everywhere, until I bought a pair of Dickies Tactical pants.

I needed some plain navy blue tactical pants for my emergency medical technician course and I looked everywhere. Being a senior in high school I am trying to save every dollar for college. I do not have the money to spend over $100 on pants for a class, so when I found these pants and saw they were only $26.99 on amazon, I was thrilled. Shipping was free and they were on my doorstep in three days. On amazon they give you a size chart, with sizes in petite and regular, and when you’re five feet tall and have the build of a prepubescent boy, a petite size is useful. I looked on the size chart to see that I needed a size 2 petite. Unfortunately, they only had a zero petite and a four petite, so I had to go with a 2 regular. I was sure that the pants wouldn’t fit, and I would be tripping over the pant leg with every step but when I got them, they fit perfectly. They are not too long or too tight, a perfect fight for $26.99.

However I do have some concerns about these pants. They have no pocket space, they only have two pockets, like a pair of jeans. I need to be able to carry a variety of things and it’s not easy to do so with only two pockets. Another thing I dislike about the pants is the visibility of stains. I always seem to get weird spots on the pant legs, unaware of where they came from. When I wash the pants, the stains come out however it can be annoying on shift when you have random stains on your pants.

They material looks very uncomfortable and I thought I would never be able to move around in them, which I needed to be able to do, but I was wrong. I have to be able to lift patients and cots without struggling and I can with these pants. They are a thick material but you can bend, twist, and turn in them. Another factor that makes me love these pants so much is the comfort. I have to wear them for about eight hours at a time and you don’t want to be sitting in itchy pants for that period of time.The material makes the pants breathable, so you do not feel constricted, which makes me be able to sit comfortably for long periods of time. They are sleek looking, and before I needed these pants I would never buy straight leg, bootcut pants however these pants changed my mind. They are flattering everywhere which is good, because who doesn’t like to look good?

When you work in the emergency medicine system, you have to be able to move around, lift patients, and cots which is possible in these pants. I suggest looking at the size chart because they are different from you average pair of jeans. I love wearing these pants, they make you look very professional, and provide comfort for you without a steep cost. So if you are on a budget, want to look good, and feel comfortable, I would buy a pair of Dickies Tactical pants.

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