To my sanity | Teen Ink

To my sanity

April 25, 2018
By Pf_flyers BRONZE, Katy, Texas
Pf_flyers BRONZE, Katy, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Never truly dealt with my own reality hidden in a disguise accidentally made in my demise even when I had jealousy in my eyes everything that was yours was mine we would always fight and argue till you had me feeling right late nights spending time outside running looking for trouble picking fights even then I was a golden child who fought for his stability lacking love and filled with rage diverted and defused in a distinctive stage, of life, all for a better change for me but I was never truly and personally devoted, blood oaths from my infancy with empty feelings I couldn't describe lyrically like if I had a literacy deficiency even though outstandingly I managed to work somewhat independently the day you left me like a pyrrhic victory like some raisin bran with roches or raising hell with torches just so I could burn in sight maybe drown myself for my own delight you left and took my structure like a faulty built sculpture it was only for time to tell that soon we would face a rupture needless to say I respect you and never said your name in vain, hope to one day see you again and maybe build something beyond my ability to comprehend thanks for all the good times, thank you dear sanity.

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