lost soul | Teen Ink

lost soul

May 15, 2015
By Purple-falcon BRONZE, Fairbanks, Alaska
Purple-falcon BRONZE, Fairbanks, Alaska
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You think i'm evil? I am justice. I protect the innocent and those who fear evil and i will become the god of a new world that everyone desires. all who would oppose that god they are the ones that are truly evil.

There once was a graveyard  hosting many.

whom lay resting deep in the cold hard earth,
but there is one who is not like any.
She does not rest her grave she sees no worth.

She sits by her grave stone wanting a red rose.
For she feels so alone, the only one.
She lives in a place that nobody goes.
The only thing she meets are made from bone.

The creatures of bone haunt her home.
They chase her round the place so very large.
She ran fast till she had no where to roam,
but little did she know there was a barge.

That was used to escape the awful place.
After so long a large crowd she did face

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