Finally | Teen Ink


May 15, 2015
By Monse Zuniga BRONZE, Paramount, California
Monse Zuniga BRONZE, Paramount, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh the good old days feel so far away,
The shrieks of joy and cries full of laughter.
But the children have grown and gone astray,
I've run out of people to look after.
Oh how wonderful was my loving wife,
We'd dream of finally going to France.
The years passed and it's the end of our life,
So it appears as if we lost our chance.
The time has come and this might sound so wrong,
But I'm excited to finally go,
And get to dance with my wife to our song.
We'll reunite at the heavenly glow.
Soon it will be time for my life to cease,
I will be consumed by eternal peace.

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