Footsteps in Santa Cruz | Teen Ink

Footsteps in Santa Cruz

April 9, 2015
By Taylor Seitz BRONZE, Anchorage, Alaska
Taylor Seitz BRONZE, Anchorage, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Treading forward, heels slapping on the sand
Rocks and shells, hard beneath my tired feet
My insteps and toes press and mar the land,
Then they wash away as the waves retreat.

Foot steps fall, one after another,
Right, left, right, left is the only way to move;
As feet pace forward old thoughts they smother,
They leave deep tracks in my mind like grooves.

Each day’s the same with a new set of prints
Yet they dig and they land in the same path
As the ones from days prior, left like hints,
Now nothing but hollows—the aftermath.

Through time we leave tracks remnant of our strides

And each night they fade with the roll of the tide

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