The Mind Of A City | Teen Ink

The Mind Of A City

February 26, 2015
By Mhenry16 BRONZE, Marlborough, Connecticut
Mhenry16 BRONZE, Marlborough, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My thoughts are like a crowded city street.?The motions of a city truly do not rest;?my mind never sleeps, something I can never beat.?I crave to paralyze my erratic brain but I can only do my best.
The obstacles tower high over me;?the blinding street lights force me to stay awake.?I try to put an end to this but it simply will not let me be.?The voices in this place are incredibly difficult to take.
This rushing pressure, it is contaminating the air;?it is a perpetual feeling that will not seem to end.?I keep quite so my thoughts will not be a scare.?What is this place that was said to be my friend?
I must escape from this awakening, dishonorable place, ?and these dreadful thoughts I must permanently erase.

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