The Condemned One | Teen Ink

The Condemned One

December 22, 2013
By Kevin Lu BRONZE, OAK PARK, California
Kevin Lu BRONZE, OAK PARK, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He was always the main object of eyes;
The answer to the periods of lulls;
The symbol of a reprieve from the lies,
An alternate to the world’s dulls.

The many eyes combined to form a whole;
Discerning it was, boring into him;
A shovel digging deep into his soul.
As it gets deeper, the light is more dim.

But he can hear the whispers far and wide
And ne’er grasp their mysterious values.
They say he’s different; no place to hide
But behind tongues from Hindu to Hebrew.

Why, you ask, will he never be the same?
He’s just another class pet that was tamed.

The author's comments:
I was learning about sonnets in English class, sitting in the back of the classroom. Suddenly, this 'underdog' tale came to my mind. I hope what people take away is that 'things are not always as they seem'/ 'people aren't always who you think they are'/ 'don't judge someone without hearing their story first.' I hope you enjoy it!

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