Sonnet on Food | Teen Ink

Sonnet on Food

March 31, 2013
By Smasher62 BRONZE, San Diego, California
Smasher62 BRONZE, San Diego, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I see something extremely tasty
I know that somebody would soon be a fatty
I tell myself I wanted that delicious pastry
And think about stopping by the deli
Deep down inside me, I have a longing
And feel a big grumble down in my tummy
To show that I need no coaxing
To pick and choose the food that is yummy
My temper can get as hot as eating a ghost pepper
Especially when the dish is not to my taste
But I also like foods that are as hot as amber
And enjoy every bit so that nothing goes to waste
I have great appreciation for food
That puts me in a good mood

The author's comments:
My teacher had asked us to write some type of sonnet, and the first thing that came to my mind was food. Since I like to eat, then why not write it on something like food?

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