United in Worlds Apart | Teen Ink

United in Worlds Apart

October 17, 2012
By Christy_Zee BRONZE, Cibubur, Other
Christy_Zee BRONZE, Cibubur, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit, watch and listen
Fascinated by opportunities I can redeem
I run past doubt, cleaving confusion
Like someone once proclaimed, education is freedom

I run, fall and hide
Eating another day is already one survival mission
It's hard to imagine that there are lives outside my own
Since torn books are the only explanation

It's not a matter of passing the test
Nor it is about beating the rest
I greet tomorrow with determination
This is my chance to uplift a backward nation

I have no choice but to circle in the dark
For so long I have waited for that beam
Looks like I won't be getting any mark
I long ago aid goodbye to my dream

What other knowledge does the world have to offer?
That's the only thing I wonder
Because when I look out of my window
I see children chasing their own shadow

When can I experience what goes on inside that bright room?
That's the only thing I ache to discover
Because when I pass by their window
I see children as esteemed as tigers

We live in worlds apart
Yet we thirst for the same thing…

We're the children of today, the leaders of tomorrow!
We're here to demand education for all!
Embracing opportunity, sinking sorrow!

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