waiting | Teen Ink


August 20, 2012
By GRowe12 BRONZE, Williamsburg, Virginia
GRowe12 BRONZE, Williamsburg, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams... <3

During my first year I saw you walking
Standing there tall looking far past me
Over there down the hall in the blue laughing
Walking by wondering why you won’t see
After lunch that day you walked into class
Did not know you were here looking my way
You said “hey” and told me your name at last
Five months went by and each day better days
But as we came close each day went away
Could not think about the days about to come
I try not to but still wait for the day
That day I won’t have to stay away from

Counting down the weeks until Christmas day
For when I can run to you and say “hey”

The author's comments:
We all have that special someone, and if we are lucky enough to be with them, we don't want anything to change. This is about waiting for that day when they get to come home <3

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