Cat Nap | Teen Ink

Cat Nap

May 31, 2012
By emarigold98 SILVER, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
emarigold98 SILVER, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sun falling on the Serengeti, dusk
alights, and the lion’s still in the moon
‘neath anorexic dehydrated trunks
resting in hunting grounds scavengers marked.
Unearth, exhume, upturn, past the King’s gaze
they swarmed to his fleshy prize, beak to bone
delving past muscle and blood; the white gleams,
disinterring done. Don’t wake the lion.
Twilight eternalized, majestic prey
(his kill behind barren landscape hidden)
a heyday snack from their view from the sky.
Unrecognized so long now, blazon, dazed
harbinger of winter, stuck in midnight’s glare
as vultures leave his great adventure bare.

The author's comments:
It was after Whitney Houston's death that I got to thinking about how much more famous people become after they die - it is a sort of tragedy. That's the general idea of "Cat Nap."

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