Rain, Thunder, Lightening | Teen Ink

Rain, Thunder, Lightening

May 26, 2012
By EllaRosewood BRONZE, Keller, Texas
EllaRosewood BRONZE, Keller, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rain is falling down my window pane

I look upon the everfalling rain

I wonder what I really want to gain

Something that won't give me so much pain

Thunder sounds upon the wooden roof

The everlasting claps so loud and clear

Why must we be so aloof

I long to whisper something in your ear

Lightening flashes just a pace away

Lighting up the sea of gray clouds

Why had you have to be so far apart

So you couldn't be here when the sky beclouds

The rain is starting to clear

just in time for me to be with you dear

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