The Adventures of Marriage | Teen Ink

The Adventures of Marriage

March 23, 2012
By IdalisRivera10511 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
IdalisRivera10511 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Our time together it will never end,
My heart beats for you and only for you.
For it is your pure heart I wish to mend,
Together I feel that this love is true.
I long to hold you tightly in my arms,
And kiss those rosey red cheeks on your face.
You make me melt with your beautiful charms,
Now that I have you I don’t have to chase.
You see it in movies and on T.V,
All your eyes see is a lucky girl blush
I have one question, will you marry me?
My love grew stronger from a tiny crush.
I share these feelings with only my wife,
The perfect term is the love of my life.

The author's comments:
what inspired me to write this peice was that my parents were having a HUGE argument and after a while my father said whats the point of fighting... and they made up...

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