The Light In Your Eyes | Teen Ink

The Light In Your Eyes

March 22, 2012
By Pedro Alvarez BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Pedro Alvarez BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why has the light in your eyes left my side?
The late cold has twisted my withered soul
The cruel northern wind has changed my dull life
I can only find you in my memories of old.

Don’t leave, love, for without you I suffer
Don’t leave me without your verdant splendor
In the sea of misery, I am a surfer
Your love tricked me like a cheap vendor

I spent too much time thinking about our lost love
I woke up in the morning hoping to forget
But when night arrives, I still love you, my love
But in the end, I still have no regrets

When the book of time turns the page on me
I know I left because of your greed

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