Sonnet 25 | Teen Ink

Sonnet 25

March 8, 2012
By Aniece Roberson BRONZE, Bolingbrook, Illinois
Aniece Roberson BRONZE, Bolingbrook, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When you look to your left and right, who’s there?
Family is here, sometimes friends but none like you.
Your value in my life cannot compare;
My care and love for you is always true.
You make my insides smile and keep me cool;
You treat me in a way I deserve.
To others, you’re worthless but to me a jewel;
Your beauty is something I’ll preserve.
Sometimes I feel empty and you are near;
You are always never out of my reach.
When I’m with you, I seem to have no fear;
You’re like a relaxing day at the beach.
Everything’s fine and you brighten my mood;
You are my best friend, and I love you, food.

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