Closer than I thought | Teen Ink

Closer than I thought

March 9, 2012
By KittyCommander BRONZE, Miami, Florida
KittyCommander BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You were nothing but a stranger to me.
Now i can't stand being away from you.
Together you and I make a great team.
Anything for you is what I would do.

Together we would be called night and day.
The opposite of me is what you are.
Balancing each other so perfectly.
Somehow it hurts you when I am so far.

At first I thought this would never last.
Be just like other and you would be lost.
Year later and we are still going strong.
I figured out the others had no cost.

Now it is easy to tell what I feel.
I love you my sister, this is for real.

The author's comments:
I have a history of losing friends because they all change. I have had a friend that I made a little over a year ago, we were known for resembling each other and we became closer than I ever thought we would be. This sonnet is about how close we are.

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