Man and the Discus | Teen Ink

Man and the Discus

February 14, 2012
By Arshan BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Arshan BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In awe, i stepped into the discus ring.
Apprehensive, I stared at the great field.
So then I stepped back facing the north wing.
I sure was anxious, but i did not yield.
Then I thought to myself, could I do it?
I then thought this is that one special day.
Can I get the mark I wanted to hit.
So I closed my eyes and started to pray.
MY skills and confidence are my shield.
So I did the spin and the discus flew.
So then the discus landed on the field.
I knew it was good, by the way i threw.
The mark was one hundred sixty-two feet.
I surpassed the mark I wanted to beat!

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