Slip Slip | Teen Ink

Slip Slip

February 14, 2012
By LJScarpitto BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
LJScarpitto BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Water had been spilt on the wooden floor,
A man walked in, a smile on his face,
He slipped and fell forward into the door,
The man the got up and hid in disgrace.
The alert dog then flew into the room,
He hit the wall and knocked down the new clock,
The injured dog, fluffy, was full of gloom,
Poor fluffy went to curl up in a sock.
His son, worried, came in to see the mess,
Just like the others, he slipped and fell hard,
He knocked over juice and ruined a dress,
Steve bought a new one with his credit card.
The mother came in to clean it all up,
She is smart and suggests using a cup.

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