In a small town, there was once a young girl | Teen Ink

In a small town, there was once a young girl

February 14, 2012
By Gianna Marcovecchio BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Gianna Marcovecchio BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a small town, there was once a young girl
Who loved to have fun wherever she could.
One day she left with a skip and a twirl
To go and play in the far away woods.
Closer and closer she ventured near there,
Despite the warning her mom had stated.
A dark sky approached but she didn't care,
She wondered what adventures awaited.
Deeper in the woods the young girl crept,
Completely engulfed by towering trees.
with every sligh sound she jumped and she leapt,
Surrounded by plants, mosquitoes, and bees.
And so the girl ran out of the forest,
Back to her home through the dark, eerie mist.

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