Horrors of the Holocaust | Teen Ink

Horrors of the Holocaust

February 13, 2012
By ginamacropulos BRONZE, Miami, Florida
ginamacropulos BRONZE, Miami, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Our puzzled world was brutally breaking,
Our bodies, our spirits cruelly mauled.
Though bony beings prevailed, hearts aching,
Few souls survived the wretched Buchenwald.

Fraught with the worry of a horrid fate,
In this gruesome place we paid a vast toll.
While God tested the strength of our faith,
The outside world appeared unscathed and whole.

Oh, how I yearned for my beloved freedom!
My life bounded by relentless constraint.
As I pined for merciful Death to come,
Despair loomed around me, leaving its taint.

But then one day, I saw a flag and knew,
Freedom was coming in red, white, and blue.

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