Bliss | Teen Ink


October 31, 2011
By Colette Crouere BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
Colette Crouere BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All of the pain that devours this day
Distracts my wandering, anxious mind
From the memories that tear and go away
And proceed to propel far behind

My thoughts scurry to a vast place
To hide in the depths of the black hole in my heart
Where blissful hallucinations can't be embraced
Or recognized only to soon depart

The mere medication that consumes my blood stream
Helps my sanity remain inactive
And numb to the petty emotions I can't redeem
Or bring back to my heart but force to live

The ambidextrous insensitivity
Has molded my existence far from someone like me

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