Untitled | Teen Ink


October 25, 2011
By Athenly GOLD, Oakhurst, California
Athenly GOLD, Oakhurst, California
11 articles 3 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
People see what they want to see and disraguard the rest.
~Paul Simon

I stand in a field of bleeding hearts
With a Strawberry moon up above
Searching for the right path to take
Wondering which is the better one to love.

Searching for where the pavement ends and the road begins
I take the left road just to be different
Hoping my wandering soul will find me someday
But for now it’ll wander and later repent.

Following the highway in the sky
That leads to the dark side of the moon
Hoping my feet will never touch the ground
And knowing that never will come too soon.

Melting clocks surround me without ticking
Time fades away as lonely dreamers meet
Guard rails and yellow lines keep them from each other
Keep them from being complete.

Footprints in the sands of time soon will disappear
For the ocean comes and washes them away
But then another comes along and leaves their marks
Another time, another day.

Palidromes fill my head as I dance in the sky
With mare tails beneath my feet
It doesn’t matter which way I go
As long as I have memories to keep.

Watching from the safety of above
For the dragon with zircon eyes
Waiting a few years in the clouds seems harmless
Just to watch for it when it flies.

Marzipan dolphins jump from behind fogged windows
Under the beautiful sunset
Soon it will be night time
And from the air, I’ll be swept.

From the air and my dreams I will return
To the crazy world down below
But for now I want to escape from reality
Because soon I’ll return, I know.

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This article has 1 comment.

dodgergirl said...
on Nov. 16 2011 at 10:05 pm
Love your poems.  Awsome.  Keep it up