A Nameless Sonnet Regarding A Nameless Bearded Person | Teen Ink

A Nameless Sonnet Regarding A Nameless Bearded Person

June 9, 2011
By Creighton Jenkins BRONZE, Renton, Washington
Creighton Jenkins BRONZE, Renton, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Shall I compare thy beard to a summer’s day?
A forest rich, beyond conception mine
Adm’ration’s eye doth shine upon thy May
Bane of blistered autumn, golden lace of thine
‘Tis one of many elements to stare
Upon my meek and wretched, tortured core
Thy noble features! Acceptionally fair!
Combineth to the person I adore
Thy warm persona: placid yet acute
My heart aloft, to which you own the key
In no existent stance may I dispute
Without remorse; I wish and long for thee
Devoid of shaking I cannot assess
Nor can I ever say I love you less

The author's comments:
I got the task to write a poem about something I admire. For the sake of allowing all of you to keep your brains, I did not write a mushy looove Sonnet about something I actually adore. Luckily, my fellow bearded classmate was willing to let me describe him and his facial hair in detail. Lovely.

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