Prized possesion | Teen Ink

Prized possesion

May 31, 2011
By Anonymous

Play it loud or low
Its almost everywhere you go.
It can be fast or slow.
The rhythm goes through you like a bolt of lightning,
Takes away the pain on sighting.
For a moment
Escape into a world of freestyles and metaphors.
Base and rhythm dance around you.
I listen and my world is at peace.
There is something for everyone and every situation.
With so much variety
Music is my cure for everything.
Music is what I hold dear to me.
Music is within me.
Music is always there for me.
It doesn’t hurt you and you feel no pain.
MUSIC is what keeps me sane.

The author's comments:
this poem was inspired by a quote said by Bob Marley, "One good thing about music when it hits you, you feel no pain".

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