The Downfall of Love | Teen Ink

The Downfall of Love

June 1, 2011
By ZacStLouis BRONZE, San Diego, California
ZacStLouis BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The legs of an athlete built strong and toned
The strut of a ghost hidden to the world
The waist of a housewife curved and unshown
I enjoy lying here, hands inter-curled
I always look back to the first day we met
Your short summer dress flickering in the air
Your eyes and your hair, a warming sunset
You took everything; my voice breath and flare
What happened next made the gods disagree
The yelling, fighting, the hitting, crying
From love to lies in this family of three
I lay on the couch wishing I am dying

Just like our first glance, you took it all away
My kid and my life. Left to rot like a stray

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