What I've Done | Teen Ink

What I've Done

May 11, 2011
By Anonymous

I fake my smile everyday
And I pretend that I am fine
But what I’m feeling I cannot say
And I want to break down and cry

The months and weeks seem to blend together
Making it all a blur
I was sad no matter the weather
And I thought death was the only cure

Instead of death I ran away
Found a friend I trust
At first I didn’t know what to say
Then he told me calling my father was a must

What will others think when they find out what I’ve done
What will my friends say or will I end up having none?

The author's comments:
This is when i was going through a hard time. Yes it is true, i went to a Psychologist and he told me this would help. And Writing what i feel and stuff like that truly did help me through my depression.

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