The Call of the Moon | Teen Ink

The Call of the Moon

April 12, 2011
By FaeriePrincess17 BRONZE, Howell, New Jersey
FaeriePrincess17 BRONZE, Howell, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sad sun slips into the horizon,
And the sun greets the moon and says good- bye,
The moon bids farewell to the sleepy sun,
So velvet darkness falls across the sky.

The smiling moon calls to the shining stars,
Happily they twinkle, lighting the night,
Softly the moon hums a song to ease scars,
Those leftover from the harshest daylight.

All is quiet under the moon’s soft gaze,
She looks down and watches all animals,
Some are lively; some will be asleep soon,
Crickets loudly send their musical calls.

But alas the lovely moon cannot stay,
For the sun must come with another day.

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