Ceramic Clowns | Teen Ink

Ceramic Clowns

May 12, 2010
By DiamondsBOSS BRONZE, Miami, Florida
DiamondsBOSS BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I never imagined life without you
How empty and cold a part of me feels
This is just a nightmare that can't be true
But every time I awake it's real
The news struck through me like a hurricane
It destroyed everything in its long path
For a while, there only remained the pain
No room was left whatsoever to laugh
A father with all the time to devote
Who encouraged me to persure my dreams?
Who never quit although hope seemed remote?
You are proof that things are not what they seem
Until the end of the world falls apart,
You will always be alive in my heart.

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