Life of a Highschool student | Teen Ink

Life of a Highschool student

March 4, 2019
By RealistorPessimistYouTellMe SILVER, Salem, Massachusetts
RealistorPessimistYouTellMe SILVER, Salem, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't have a favorite anything. I don't think it's fair to anything else.

Shove down food to get to school,

work til' 2 and have people be cruel.

come home from a long day to do chores, 

and even more. 

keep the emotions in,

ain't nobody got time for that. 

start on piles of work,

pick up the fork, 

finish the work,

and close your eyes before you remember all the jerks. 


The author's comments:

This is a life may have to live. Me, You and others have a lot on our plate and it can get so tiring. Not to mention extracurriculars, and actual work that is not school related but to help you provide for yourself and maybe help your family provide as well.

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