Between The Cracks | Teen Ink

Between The Cracks

November 28, 2016
By Shadowous GOLD, San Mateo, California
Shadowous GOLD, San Mateo, California
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fear is not us, Fear lies above us, we want Fear to be to the side or below us, But we have encouragement within us, We want encouragement above us, We want encouragement above us over fear."

(Verse 1)
This is for the to the people that deemed themselves that didn’t do it who wouldn’t face it who didn’t mean to do wrong and probably still wouldn’t make it and changed them into the corrupted and lunged into the dark side of life and actually loved it but there is already too much of an abundant for it to be more and the world can’t come up it to actually think they can break it and say they have done it but from the underground to the summit but from it we stand right here from the left to the right we have our peers looking over fear we want it be below us but there is nothing we can do it from stopping it being near it’s like it hears and senses we are scared and it’s like we can’t steer our way to the light and provide for ourselves i don’t even think we’ll make it out alive and try to find the solution to all of our problems and stop being isolated from the outside like all the people who have been denied who have gone down in flames and implied even the slightest thoughts of suicide it just strides to the worst and things but i can’t make this go down without a fight at least without holding back won’t go down without a fight but first i gotta do the math what i’m gonna do to last it’s not gonna be one not to but a whole pack of people wanting things to be equal wanting things in this world and actually reveal the light on the dark side and conceal the darkness into somewhere where it will never seen again though it may happen i feel like we can prevent this from happening until then

Life is so divine if you don’t know what you are doing depends on what you define as living letting your mind do whatever whatever your heart desires or if you are giving others the upper advantage always taking one for the team and sitting making decisions you could be doing right now even if you are just sitting there will rarely come a chance and it might not even be found that’s why beyond this town this place where it’s deep underground rises something better no way to get there don’t worry it’s all about to change even if you wouldn’t dare face certain tasks that would arrange your life into something better to suit you it’s all about the loss and mostly about the game it’s really insane how time slowly moves and proves it’s time paid off and between the cracks there is something more amazing than this simple pond all waiting for you to achieve just think about it once you reach your goal you’ll actually start to believe you’re something you used to be nothing deep underground just a beginner but now your knowledge has gotten just a little bit thicker but still on the outside you may look different but inner deep inside of you know what you went through there’s always pride in you

                    (Verse 2)
Fallen on the inside bawling inside you cry it all happens when you feel like you haven’t tried when you feel everything has failed everything is against and your hands are tied and it’s like you haven’t had the chance to decide what your plan is to run away from this place you don’t wanna be in to escape this ditch to rather have moments more of life or cease to exist it’s like an endless abyss of nothing just feel like a whiles back i actually feel like i was running but something that just caught me was so stunning that i stopped and now i lost my flow and now there is just no point in gunning it anymore nothing's worth it everything has just fallen to the floor and i’m here all sad and it’s just every emotion is ignored but i swore that i wouldn’t give up if anything i want more negativity because honestly my sensitivity is more than just something to mess with if anything i’m just letting them get me and send me higher to the chain and prior to my past experiences i feel all the hate behind me is just and interferences but even if i am a little delirious all this means everything to mean the world the galaxy everything even life as i pride myself to do anything there is no specific way to do anything just to remind everyone that it’s possible to fit in between the cracks if you think you can’t do it just know that you’re better than that

Life is so divine if you don’t know what you are doing depends on what you define as living letting your mind do whatever whatever your heart desires or if you are giving others the upper advantage always taking one for the team and sitting making decisions you could be doing right now even if you are just sitting there will rarely come a chance and it might not even be found that’s why beyond this town this place where it’s deep underground rises something better no way to get there don’t worry it’s all about to change even if you wouldn’t dare face certain tasks that would arrange your life into something better to suit you it’s all about the loss and mostly about the game it’s really insane how time slowly moves and proves it’s time paid off and between the cracks there is something more amazing than this simple pond all waiting for you to achieve just think about it once you reach your goal you’ll actually start to believe you’re something you used to be nothing deep underground just a beginner but now your knowledge has gotten just a little bit thicker but still on the outside you may look different but inner deep inside of you know what you went through there’s always pride in you

The author's comments:

This is for everone who thinks they are stuck i promise you, you'll get over it and above it


-Shadowous out

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