Be Happy | Teen Ink

Be Happy

March 16, 2016
By Shadowous GOLD, San Mateo, California
Shadowous GOLD, San Mateo, California
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fear is not us, Fear lies above us, we want Fear to be to the side or below us, But we have encouragement within us, We want encouragement above us, We want encouragement above us over fear."

(Verse 1)
    I See people walking down the streets i can’t read minds but i know what they mean they look down and it seems as if they are not happy with their overall look and body and it’s heart breaking to see teens taking other drugs or food diets and to just be making something even worse than what they started basically disintegrating something they thought would help but something not as well anticipating. It’s making the youth not realize what’s so special about them how they are so much more unique like flowers blossoms from stems it all really depends on how self conscious you are with yourself and friends but trends worldwide creating world live news and events happening good or bad it’s sad to see how teens can’t be happy with their bodies not even the slightest scent of Glad but Moms and Dads worry but pardon me lad it’s them that got into what they should become instead of just being yourself not knowing where they are from and pressuring them make them feel useless and bummed they then resort to using Alcohol or Rum it all comes down to the Teen mind because whatever is there to reside is their next decision whether it’s personal or religious

    Being me and knowing teens i can see that they are not happy with their look or arteries it’s a shame that they want to complain to the media instead of just being happy and not have anyone to blame because everyone is unique it’s all about owhat’s on the inside that speaks but instead their minds fly away from it’s cage and it doesn’t say a word of it’s beak it brings to the conclusion to what the media is producing is all these pills and liquids claiming this is what teens must fulfil to be handsome and be amazing as well but yet the truth doesn’t spill they aren’t being for real to me it’s a big deal because the second they look at that commercial they change and go on diets for meals. Their feels get hurt because they think they are not the best but less that the worst inside they feel they are about to burst but the worst is that they are put under a curse but luckily the media has a reverse.

                    (Verse 2)
    I don’t know if this is a fact but most teens think they are not as exact as they want to be but even if they are they are not relaxed they want to surpass the limit it’s not all the truth but just a gimmick this is not a soccer scrimmage even when they are fine in real life they feel shy and timid the messages around their brain the advertisers they rigged it they don’t realize there is a way to fix it even though the gun is all they want to give it there is a chance a slight creak a slight glance to bounce back and create a new brand to what they were used to before all the signs around them caused their brain to ignore what really matters and throw up in bathroom and on the floor it could get so bad so blood and gore once more we need to remind teens they are unique and good looking as in fine they just need to worry less about their appearance and try to worry about that later because even if you are feeling down you have people around you that are there to cater.

    Being me and knowing teens i can see that they are not happy with their look or arteries it’s a shame that they want to complain to the media instead of just being happy and not have anyone to blame because everyone is unique it’s all about what’s on the inside that speaks but instead their minds fly away from it’s cage and it doesn’t say a word of it’s beak it brings to the conclusion to what the media is producing is all these pills and liquids claiming this is what teens must fulfil to be handsome and be amazing as well but yet the truth doesn’t spill they aren’t being for real to me it’s a big deal because the second they look at that commercial they change and go on diets for meals. Their feels get hurt because they think they are not the best but less that the worst inside they feel they are about to burst but the worst is that they are put under a curse but luckily the media has a reverse.

                    (Verse 3)

The media gives teens criteria and feeding us information we would like to hear or maybe a gunshot to our ears it really influences us inside of us and around our peers we near a solution to all this madness you would ask yourself how did this all happen but through rapping it would explain why people want to be like others when they are just as beautiful as they were born oh how beautiful they are i exclaim but all they feel inside is pain they think people are judging them but you don’t know maybe it’s all a big show a big dream and maybe you will awoke to find yourself hugging yourself happy with what you have been and be glad you are right here in the heart of your family and your amazing peers it’s crystal clear all of us need to happy with what we are with wrapping ourselves in warmth and affection let this be a message out to you. Be happy get rid of all the aggression let this be a lesson

    Being me and knowing teens i can see that they are not happy with their look or arteries it’s a shame that they want to complain to the media instead of just being happy and not have anyone to blame because everyone is unique it’s all about what’s on the inside that speaks but instead their minds fly away from it’s cage and it doesn’t say a word of it’s beak it brings to the conclusion to what the media is producing is all these pills and liquids claiming this is what teens must fulfil to be handsome and be amazing as well but yet the truth doesn’t spill they aren’t being for real to me it’s a big deal because the second they look at that commercial they change and go on diets for meals. Their feels get hurt because they think they are not the best but less that the worst inside they feel they are about to burst but the worst is that they are put under a curse but luckily the media has a reverse.

The author's comments:

Don't hate on Others. Be happy with Them and You. 


-Shadowous Out! 

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