Goodbye-Single | Teen Ink


December 4, 2015
By Ali_The_Great BRONZE, Fairview, Tennessee
Ali_The_Great BRONZE, Fairview, Tennessee
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments


Seems like, your hanging on to the past too long. Shes gone, time to move on. When life is passing you by, close your eyes, say goodnight, its time to say you.


I woke up that morning washed up in sorrow.

I thought yesterday i would have a better day tommorow.

but that act, that was a tough one to follow.

And this pill here, its a tough one to swallow.

Cause when she left me, she left me feeling so damn hollow.

I cant find myself, its like tryna find Waldo.

She said we could still be friends, but she never calls so,

We havnt talked since then, hook me up to the gallow.

Either that or ill move up to Colorado.

This went down like a chain of dominos.

Im still stuck drowning in my shadow.

I still remember when we were together, my fingertips on the window.

The sound of your laughter still haunts me. Forever resinated with my mind.

I wish you didnt have to go and leave me behind.


Seems like, your hanging on to the past too long. Shes gone, time to move on. When life is passing you by, close your eyes, say goodnight, its time to say you


You know, its been on my mind lately. 

These memories are killing me, i remember when i could call you baby.

Now those memories are getting quite hazy.

Im on the ground screaming help, i need a medic to save me.

If you think im upset your wrong, you just made me angry. 

Mainly the fact that you left with no aims, we

were always tight, best of friends. 

I was with you throughout all your twists and bends.

Now how you repay me you lay me down to bed.

I swear if i ever see your freaking face again.

Im gonna slit-no. I cant finish that s***.

Ive been hit with something you cant even begin to imagine.

Its like she was stabbin me over and over with a jagget blade in the pocket of her jacket.

All im asking is remember me, even if i fade into the blackness.


Seems like, your hanging on to the past to long. Shes gone, time to move on. When life is passing you by, close your eyes, say goodnight, its time to say you.

The author's comments:

Ive been through many breakups. THis pretty much sums up all of them. If you have been through a tough one, you understand. You want them back, but you also wish you could block them out forever. Thats what this song is about. I hope you all understand from this piece though, that life has its ups and downs and we must live through them

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This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 17 2015 at 8:52 am
Ali_The_Great BRONZE, Fairview, Tennessee
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Thanks. I hope you and this girl work out and she doesn't play you. Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah.

on Dec. 16 2015 at 8:58 am
Dameon_Farris PLATINUM, Folton, District Of Columbia
20 articles 2 photos 78 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree. It will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Eistiene

Wow this song is amazing I love it iv been through a bunch of relationships myself iv been cheated on left for a better looking guy and left heart broken bunch of times I hate that when you tell them you love them and they take that as some kind of toy to play with and abuse they toss it around and makes it extremely confusing making your amotions very odd and makes you confused your song is amazing and at the moment I am dating this girl Tara and I hope she doesn't leave me either but your song touched me thank you XD your an amazing writer and don't get as much credit as you deserve XD