Your Still Beautiful Darling | Teen Ink

Your Still Beautiful Darling

December 3, 2015
By _wearethebroken_ BRONZE, Mooresville, North Carolina
_wearethebroken_ BRONZE, Mooresville, North Carolina
3 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stay classy." -Ron Burgundy

I know what is like
To feel so alone

To not know why your living
To not know where to go

But I also know
What it's like
To get out out of that hole

Oh I'm here to say
That maybe today
You should hold on
Once more

Oh I'm here to say
Your worth so much more
Those scars on your wrists
They're beautiful
And I know that you cry
But baby I'm here
To wipe the tears from your eyes.

Ooooh oh. Ooooh oh. Oooh oh oh oh oh.

I know it's hard
To fight all day
I know that it sucks
To watch what you say.
I know that it's hard
To hide your face
And to smile just
So you don't cry

Oh I'm here to say
Your worth so much more
Those scars on your wrists
They're beautiful
And I know that you cry
But baby I'm here
To wipe the tears from your eyes (2x)

Ooooh oh. Ooooh oh. Oooh oh oh oh oh.

Oh I know what is like
To feel like you don't belong
But I know what it's like
To find those who come along
I know know that it's
But just breathe for today
I'll be by your side

Oh I'm here to say
Your worth so much more
Those scars on your wrists
They're beautiful
And I know that you cry
But baby I'm here
To wipe the tears from your eyes (2x)

Ooooh oh. Ooooh oh. Oooh oh oh oh oh.

I'll be by your side
By your side
By your side
Darling it'll be okay
I'll be by your side.

The author's comments:

I wrote this song for all the poeple who have gone through everything I have. Stay strong guys. Your worth it.

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