Stone Ages - Macarena | Teen Ink

Stone Ages - Macarena

September 11, 2015
By jfcdancegirl PLATINUM, Ashburn, Virginia
jfcdancegirl PLATINUM, Ashburn, Virginia
30 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment, and make it perfect." ~Anonymous

2 point 5 mill until 8K B.C.
Is Paleolithic Age in Europe and Mid. East
This was during the Ice Age too
AYE the Stone Ages
Next was the Neolithic Era
Which began in south western Asia
It’s modern world, and it’s shorter too
AYE the Stone Ages

The Australopithecus first hominid
Then came Habilis, they walked upright
Erectus came next, the man of skill
AYE the Stone Ages
Next Neanderthals they had burials
Cro-Magnons also created art
These are all the hominids
AYE the Stone Ages

First came all the stone tools
Used for hunting and some carving
Then the fire for cooking and warmth
AYE the Stone Ages
In the Neolithic they made wheels
Used to move, heavy objects
Pots and ovens were made too
AYE the Stone Ages

In the beginning hominids tried
To dominate by hunting a lot
They used the animals for their shelter
Aye the Stone Ages
Then the New Age started and
Hominids evolved to agriculture
They migrated to better climates
AYE the Stone Ages

Stonehenge is a big mystery to me
It is located in England, Salisbury
It was built in 26 hundred B.C.
AYE the Stone Ages
Large vertical rocks form a circle
We think it’s made for the sun and moon
Calendars and ceremonies
AYE the Stone Ages

47 people discovered Ardi
The oldest human ancestor we have to date
The scientists were from around the world
AYE the Stone Ages
Donald Johanson and Tom Gray
They found 40% of Lucy
In Hadar, Ethiopia
AYE the Stone Ages

The author's comments:

This was one of my Pre-AP World History projects. I had to create a way for people to rememeber information about the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras for our upcoming test. I wrote lyrics while using the tune of the Macarena to make the facts memorable. We sang this song enough times in class that my peers were singing some of the lyrics throughout the entire week.

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