Set Free | Teen Ink

Set Free

July 20, 2015
By jungk1 BRONZE, Douglaston, New York
jungk1 BRONZE, Douglaston, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be" -Sonia Ricotti

A walk on the beach with the moon shining down on me

That's what I want

Dancing through fields with a breeze on me

Yeah, that's what I want


But how I live on it's the opposite

I'm a bird in a cage, wanting to fly

Why do you always shut me from outside


Sometimes I just want to get away 

But I think it's just too late, it's just too late

The world's moving fast, just a blur

It won't wait for me, for me


But I just can't seem to take it no more

This feeling inside, this emptiness

I'm taking control of what's mine 

So let me be


And that's just what I'm gonna do

Live my life for me

With whatever I want to do

I'm gonna set me free


You don't tell me what to do

Or how to live my life

I'll do me, so you do you

And let go of whats mine


Break out of my cage, leaving all my doubts behind

That's what I'll do

Fly through the night with my wings spread wide

Yeah, that's what I'll do 

The author's comments:

Your life is in your hands. You only have one, so set yourself free and dare to do what others only dream of doing. Do what you want and like what you do.

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