Pain-Tune of Halo | Teen Ink

Pain-Tune of Halo

July 23, 2015
By julie_oconnor GOLD, Attleboro, Massachusetts
julie_oconnor GOLD, Attleboro, Massachusetts
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You never noticed me


or the person I chose to be


sitting down on the sidewalk


with the rain pouring down


hoping you'd let me in


and now


you never will


realize I'm the one


who won't break your heart


I will wait for you


We have each other to hold onto


and to remind me who I really am


It depends on when the truth comes out


And we can't stop the pain


or the heartbreaks or the deaths


but we have each other to cling to


lasting for eternity


and maybe she's worth more


or maybe she's just a fake


trying to hide her pain


and who she really is


all behind one lonley personality

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