Lying game | Teen Ink

Lying game

May 16, 2015
By joana12 BRONZE, Barcelos, Other
joana12 BRONZE, Barcelos, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Be carefull of what you love, because what you love is what has power over you

You are blind by the pretty words

While the actions still hurt

They don't change, they won't change

Unless you open your eyes and never close them again


You are deaf by the shouts 

That torment your brain

They don't stop, they won't stop

Unless you shout louder than them


You are filled by your scars

They are taking control of your body

They can't be erased, they won't be erased

So fill them with faith

Put your head up

Everything will be okay


Crying never took anyone to anywhere

Only self-destruction

Lying, saying that you are fine

Will someday make you believe in it

So pretend, join the game

Sometimes it's hard to play

But you'll end up safe

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