You and You | Teen Ink

You and You

May 7, 2015
By Shadowous GOLD, San Mateo, California
Shadowous GOLD, San Mateo, California
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fear is not us, Fear lies above us, we want Fear to be to the side or below us, But we have encouragement within us, We want encouragement above us, We want encouragement above us over fear."

     (Verse 1)
You know sometimes I can’t start the way you want you think I would’ve started like “Oh I’m so cool” and diamonds is what I would’ve brought, but bra, I’m sorry I should apologize that’s the way I was raised I was born my own self and I have my self-conscious I always followed what I wanted to be and that was my harness but regardless I can only be who I want to be. I can be whatever I want without you telling me, “O this line sucks”  but I would’ve stayed calm and ignored the comments of my enemies you know I have a different backround then you, you may be a bit bigger than what I have to lose you can beat me up all you want and knock out my tooth but nothing will ever stop me because all your doing is hiding the truth, the loose screw, well I guess that’s what they say is what they choose, and all I can do is get confused. You can say any words you want but later on its gonna leave you a little bit of a bruise
You can’t always be yourself there are something you gotta impress someone else not everyone is gonna look at you the same way but everyone in the world plays a different game you can’t always judge people before you even know them next thing you know you’ll think that your one of them some people might be bad and don’t follow in their footsteps do what you wanna do in your life and maybe once in a time you might get wounded with a knife you think you might cry in the corner no! you go right back on up and keep journeying on with your own fight and once in a while pick up another strife. Ladies this goes for you too this isn’t just a boy’s life.

     (Verse 2)
Middle and High school was going to be the drool people always stress out about just because they don’t think your cool but hey, stick your head up and don’t think about the game. Stay whoever you are don’t you dare run away, it’s all gonna change your gonna see different perspectives and be careful just don’t get infected to try to be the coolest by buying clothes that have no impactment People might judge you but that’s just how life is, don’t try to work yourself up to try to be as cool as the other kids not everything is gonna come to you as intended but everything is gonna happen at any moment as it was once left dead. Then you see that beautiful girl and you automatically think I would give her the whole world when you try to talk to her she flat out ignores you then you get back home and cry and you think you caught the flu but dude, she already knew that you weren’t gonna go through, chill out bro maybe you might not reach her expectations but don’t let that storm you down everything that comes down always comes back around it’s like a dog getting adopted from the pound then growing up to be an amazing pet you gotta make it yours now. She rejected you but that was her loss, even though your pretty amazing even though you think you aren’t you still deserve great things in life as long as you work hard

You can’t always be yourself there are something you gotta impress someone else not everyone is gonna look at you the same way but everyone in the world plays a different game you can’t always judge people before you even know them next thing you know you’ll think that your one of them some people might be bad and don’t follow in their footsteps do what you wanna do in your life and maybe once in a time you might get wounded with a knife you think you might cry in the corner no! you go right back on up and keep jouryning on with your own fight and once in a while pick up another strife. Ladies this goes for you too this isn’t just a boy’s life

     (Verse 3)
God please could you help me in my bedroom I’m sick and tired of going through these horrible thoughts in my head and it starts to spread to other parts of my body I can’t think about my own thread.  You feel like your one of those forebidden cities and all you can do is act all pity and not even be silly like you were when you were a little kid cause you had to go through so much when you were in that crib but sometimes you just gotta live with it, Words flow like the air’s wind don’t go for second place go for the first place pin it might be something small but it’s something to be proud of not a lot of people have those kind of moments where all the people think they’re beholding the greatest thing in the world and controlling on what’s going on but you never think or thought that in that person’s mind is something you would’ve never expected People have their minds and inside their protected and they feel like their being arrested just for doing so bad in life and just get suspended and next thing you know their on Instagram or snapchat and just get unfriended I recommend that you should move on, Wait what but their like the best I got! No dude! Listen, they were and now they’re gone you expected them to come with a cake and a 100 dollar check and now all they do is send you a broken in half rock and just hang out with that random kid around the block. My point is just be who you are, don’t try to let anyone change you just gotta try hard to achieve the things you want and need to go far and soon enough those same people are gonna say I’m sorry and then they will be stopped by your own guard Not everyone can have what they want but sometimes you just gotta work with what you got, not the best word choice I would’ve thought but hey, at least I gave it my best shot

You can’t always be yourself there are something you gotta impress someone else not everyone is gonna look at you the same way but everyone in the world plays a different game you can’t always judge people before you even know them next thing you know you’ll think that your one of them some people might be bad and don’t follow in their footsteps do what you wanna do in your life and maybe once in a time you might get wounded with a knife you think you might cry in the corner no! you go right back on up and keep journeying on with your own fight and once in a while pick up another strife. Ladies this goes for you too this isn’t just a boy’s life

The author's comments:

This Song i wrote is to resemble how you shouldn't stress that much about being cool. Be yourself. Everything wil work out, people stress out about this all the time

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