Stardust | Teen Ink


April 16, 2015
By RedandBlueLollipop BRONZE, Hamden, Connecticut
RedandBlueLollipop BRONZE, Hamden, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A thousand tiny stars
Glitter, float, sparkle, die
Watching the flames consume our minds
And not understanding why, we cry
We don't know why, we just do
We just cry, alone in our rooms
Living to die, someday
Let the tears run and hope we have someone
To keep us alive in these terrible times
Nothing left, nothing more
Nothing there to live or die for
Stardust is all we are


Stardust from beings greater than us
Context, perspective, we are small
Smaller than the stars, shorter than the sky
Smaller than the sun that keeps us alive
A thousand tiny stars
That's really all we are


Stardust, wandering flames
Meandering through time and space
What is real, what is not
How do we keep so much all bottled up
Pop the cork, let it fly
Overflow, foam and thoughts
Letting go, you've had enough
Poker face, you're okay
You really are, there's nothing to say
Nothing inside, an empty void
The tiny stars fill your mind
We're just stardust - nothing much


Stardust from beings greater than us
Context, perspective, we are small
Smaller than the stars, shorter than the sky
Smaller than the sun that keeps us alive
A thousand tiny stars
That's really all we are


Floating, burning, existing, dying
Stardust letting go
It doesn't matter - the matter is dying every second it's not home
It's just swirling confusion and stardust and matter
Knowing that, how can we see what matters?
So we feel like s***
We cry, we throw fits
And we can't figure out why we feel like this


That's all we are

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece last January.  I'm currently working on putting music to it, so if I do end up getting a finished song I'll post it on my youtube channel (

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