Bad Luck | Teen Ink

Bad Luck

February 11, 2015
By AeowynRichmond GOLD, Tacoma, Washington
AeowynRichmond GOLD, Tacoma, Washington
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It seems a bit mucky, never that lucky.
It turns out that me, myself, have bad luck galore.
Which is pretty strange seeing as I'm not slamming no doors.
Its petty,
Its not like a jetty
Why cant I just be rich lucky Jenny,
Or maybe rich pretty Betty.
But the fact is, the both aren't that steady.

Back to the original preface.
Bad luck, the menace.
Is it much like tennis?

Whoops, I got off the preface once again.
The preface not being someone's Mercedes Benz.
The preface was actually, the topic, Bad luck.
But you guys probably don’t give a…

Whoa! Hold up there lets not rhyme with luck.
Lets not be like the nurse when Ferris Bueller was pluck.

New topic, new topic. Lets search far and wide. Find something we can define.
Topic oh topic, come out of the dark,
I kind of wish I was at a park.

Or maybe at school!
At school the inspiration just oozes off the walls,
Sometimes, when I'm not thinking about boys…

So what!
I don’t care what you think!
I'm a hormonal adolescent.
What do you think other girls think!?
We are all hormonal kids, and we all are bored out of our minds.
What do we do to pass the time?

We think about more things than that.
Like unicorns, and boats, maybe even bats.
More and more, boring stuff like that.

Well this ramblings over,
How about that?

Haha tricked you didn’t i?
This ramblings not over.
Haha  I love to lie.

Oh why oh why.
Oh my oh my.
Why cant I think of something,
To write, to write.

Nothing floating though my head.
But somehow I still cant go to bed.
Why, I might as well be hella dead.

Well I guess its gotta be over,
I kinda feel like a stoner.
without the drugs, without the Doritos.
More like a sleepy loner.

Haha that’s it.
Now the end.
Goodbye for now,
Goodbye for then.

The end, the end,
The end, the end.'

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