Confessions | Teen Ink


January 20, 2015
By anthony rodriguez BRONZE, Perth Amboy, New Jersey
anthony rodriguez BRONZE, Perth Amboy, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You ever feel like you on your own even when you’re enclosed by people that love you
It crazy to see the close ones when they no longer love you
I suck it up though, life goes on right
Rack up on shawties parties every night
Weekdays I just lay and ask myself what I'm doing
Thinking about the friends I’m gaining and the ones I’m losing
I push away the people that don’t act right
Remember the old days we was mad tight
Thats why I never and don’t trust them at all
They probably the type to make a fella fall
I guess you could say I’m lonely
But I’m comfortable with me myself and tony
Everybody trying to hug me and love me
But they only do that cause they think they above me
I lost a part of me to someone that I used to hate
But its all behind me now no memories when I wake
It don’t even bother me no more
I haven’t talked to my homie in 3 or 4
I knew what I wanted but had no way to find it
I’m a different man now no reason to hide it
Getting love from everyone except the one
Man it used to be so easy to have fun
Now its like its no fun unless you got the drugs
Shouldn't have to be that way though
A fella’s just trying to live thats all I really know

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