Friends Forever | Teen Ink

Friends Forever

November 23, 2014
By devilishangel SILVER, Vero Beach, Florida
devilishangel SILVER, Vero Beach, Florida
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I've  written about,
Love, sadness, happiness,
Anger, tragic love, unrequited love,
But never friend love,

So heres a song,
to tell you,
Your my friend,

Your like a sister,
The sister
I always wanted
But never had,

The sister,
I wished for,
And I realize
that my wish
came true

Your like me,
In so many ways,
Yet your we have
so many differences,

Your my shoulder,
To cry on,
Or complain,
And I am yours

We give each other advice,
And hope it works,
That's all friendship
Really is,

Thank you

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