The Seven Day Rain | Teen Ink

The Seven Day Rain

November 23, 2014
By AddieLayne SILVER, Knoxville, Tennessee
AddieLayne SILVER, Knoxville, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Why wait on the world to change when you can change the world?

Standing in the rain

Because the pain

Is too much to bare, you're no longer sane.


His memory replays in your mind.

Why can't you find

The happiness you deserve?

What will it take to be heard?


You long for the day

When he'll take your breath away,

And the warmth will return to your broken heart...

When will it start?

The author's comments:

Breaking free from the clouds that cover you is easier said than done. When you think you are strong enough, the vicious thunder sounds and you feel afraid again. Finding inner strength is the only way to detatch yourself from the storms in your life.

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