Midnight Thoughts By a Passive Aggressive Teen | Teen Ink

Midnight Thoughts By a Passive Aggressive Teen

November 25, 2014
By brookenigma BRONZE, Bradley, South Carolina
brookenigma BRONZE, Bradley, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

you had me piece you back together
like some f***ing humpty-dumpty
who fell off a wall built
on innocent dreams and good intentions.
that spawned bad mistakes
that in turn gave way to an
unrelenting guilt
and when you hit the ground,
you hit hard and you shattered
into a million porcelain pieces
that each required special attention
and there were people, you know
who were there to help
and provided their love and affection
i got cut, and i bled for you so often
that sometimes i couldnt tell
if i was bleeding for you
or if i was bleeding for me
i glued you slowly back together
but you didnt want to believe it,
the thing i so wanted you to see
so you blinded yourself when i tried
to guide your eyes, you plugged your ears
when everyone was screaming
the truth you asked for, but didnt want
and then you turned on me, and
you accused me of trying to
disturb your precious,
unblemished train of thought

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This article has 1 comment.

LyricBlunt said...
on Nov. 25 2014 at 9:18 pm
LyricBlunt, Denver, Colorado
0 articles 0 photos 43 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Music expresses who you are as a person." "Oh, butterfingers."Opportunities' come when you least expect it, it is all up to you what you do with them. Life sometimes throws you a curveball, you just got to go with it sometimes.

Wow. this is some deep stuff