Finding You | Teen Ink

Finding You

November 3, 2014
By Laura Collette BRONZE, Belleville, Kansas
Laura Collette BRONZE, Belleville, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Finding you is the best thing

that's ever happened to me

Fromt the day we met

to the day we die.

There's no regrets,

you make me happy 

that's all I need to know


down the dirt road,

that's where we met

singing and prayin, 

that's what went on

games, and dancing

that's what we did.


Talking, laughing, short bus rides,

food, running, classes, movies,

friends, praying, sleeping, 

connecting, reflecting

that's what occured. 


Never a dull moment on that ol' dirt road.

In the middle of nowhere but somewhere

it's somewhere to us and thats all it is.

Finding you there was easy for me.


Ohhh yea. Can't wait for later,

a few years down the road,

every day there's new choices,

wonder where our dirt road leads?

Only we can find out.

The author's comments:

What inspired this piece is my wonderful boyfriend, where we met, and how we met.

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