Our Own Little Fairytale | Teen Ink

Our Own Little Fairytale

August 9, 2014
By AddieLayne SILVER, Knoxville, Tennessee
AddieLayne SILVER, Knoxville, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Why wait on the world to change when you can change the world?

Every girl dreams of finding her prince;
After meeting you that's all I've thought about since.
The puzzle piece that completes me,
The Adam to my Eve,
We could have it all just wait and see.

Your smile draws me in, and until we meet again,
I will think about you and your cute little grin.

Today is the day we say "I do."
And after all this time who wouldn't have knew
That you were made for me and I was made for you.

Four years later, here we are now
In a little, old house on the outskirts of town.
Our first born baby is on the way,
She is expected to arrive early this May.

Looking back at all of the years,
The good and the bad, they bring me to tears.
Whenever I needed you, you were there for me.
You made me happier than I dreamed I'd be.

All a girl dreams about is finding her prince,
and after that day I've loved you ever since.

The author's comments:
Little girls grow up living in a fairytale world as princesses. As time goes on they begin their journey to find their prince and to live happily ever after.

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